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The Fall Of The Tribes Page 15
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Page 15
A building is already under construction that accommodated to nocturnal creatures and peoples. An oversight in the meticulous city design the fae overseer is said to be very displeased with himself over.
His design team consisting of dwarves, a few humans and other fae already working overtime to think of other kinds of sapient creatures that may need special accommodations.
“From the little I’ve seen, something close to 75 thousand tribesmen for over 140 000 Sandersonians.” He says, getting a few nods from the others.
One of the Sidhe snorts with amusement. A quiet, short woman with pink hair, long sharp canine teeth and slightly slitted irises. Making them more oval than round. The only sidhe amongst the 9 without large horns.
“Am I that far off the mark?” Seiji asks politely. Everyone know to be polite to the Sidhe.
She doesn’t respond and continues to watch the disengagement. Her face back to trying to feign boredom and indifference. Something the Sidhe fail miserably at doing with all the excitement taking place among the humans.
Another responds in her place. The tall flamboyant sparkly one with black hair and white horns. Namid I think his name is.
“What she means is that less than half of your estimate of tribesmen will be lost this day.
“You failed to take into account their soul curse and it’s unintended effect of preserving their lives. Allowing them to survive devastating wounds much longer than a human should be able.”
“I see…” Seiji says seriously.
“Likely first intended to make their suffering in death greater during times when humans had no healing magic or ability.
“A slow death is considered an undignified death by the tribal humans and their enemy must have wanted to shame them even in defeat.”
The pink haired sharp toothed beautiful creature says in the most beautiful sing song voice I have ever heard. Silence reigns after her statement as we all both enjoy the effects her voice has on us and the actual words she spoke.
No wonder she keeps quiet all the time. The dwarf warleader Abram grunts and nods knowingly.
“She’s right. I’ve seen them come back from a battle missing half their faces. Or after losing both arms in battle continue fighting with their teeth. Barbarians don’t die easy.” He says to nods of acknowledgement from those that have seen it.
I nod, remembering the fight with the far intimately.
Chapter 25 Interlude
Narrative & 1st POV
Andromeda Draconis Orion
The emperor sits on his thinking chair, his throne, distracted. It’s glory effect slightly affecting everyone within the throne room, even those with powerful mental barriers.
The entire throne is a talisman and was very difficult to acquire and even more difficult to finish making and charge with sufficient ether. The raw element of creation being so difficult to grasp or manipulate the emperor had to seek a dragon to help complete it.
The large serpent was stubborn but eventually helped with the project in exchange for Andromeda crafting something for it at a later date. He grins reminiscing of the first exchange he had with Eragon, the Sleeping Dragon of the West.
A title he earned from his laziness, the low number of people that challenge him into wakefulness and the location of his den.
Found near the West Ascension Gate and acting as it’s guardian, Eragon is who the expression, ‘let sleeping dragons lie.’ is based on. The West Ascension Gate is the only one of the Gates on Gaia that can allow people through that haven’t reached the necessary level of power.
All they have to do is get passed Eragon. Many a dumb animal has gone through without being molested by the lazy dragon but any sapient creature that isn’t acknowledged by him dies.
The emperor sighs internally thinking about his son again. Jericho is the 813th Prince of Celestia and is troubled by his father’s rule. The lover of justice, loyalty, order and law.
The dreamer of a fair world, care and love for all, a foolish romatic by all accounts but still probably the most deadly of any of his siblings born within the same four years as himself. The best in combat in his training group consistently and for a Celestial Royal that’s saying something.
The emperor’s familiar informs him of the eminent arrival of Corvus the minister of the interior led by Arthur, Queen Andreà‘s twin brother. Now a loyal member of the court with his mind scrapped clean of any other rebellious secrets against me or his sister, his soul claimed and replaced by a creature I am yet to understand. Something old though, older than the darkness.
The huge doors open audibly with a sound of wood clanging on wood but otherwise open smoothly and effortlessly. The sound an effect more to put visitors at ease than a failing in the door mechanism.
My royal guards step forward casualy. Two of my grand nieces keeping back and continuing their chatting while their two cousins walk over and casually pat Corvus down.
Awakened sight, examine, soul sense, void detect, aware examination are actively used by all present as Epsilon continues the mundane search. I grin at how oblivious Corvus remains to the thorough violation of his privacy.
The royal children trained since before birth to be the deadliest minds and fighters in all the world. They are the elite of Gaia and the rest of the world isn’t even aware of them.
Corvus walks forward greeting some of the royal guards he knows and a few of the Queens busy conducting court at their lower thrones.
The thrones are lesser talismans I made to copy mine so they can boost brain power and allow the manifestation of avatars thousands of kilometers away amongst other benefits. The Queens use these to continue ruling from a distance when loathed to leave Orion or their Lord unattended.
The minister steps forward at the signal from the emperor’s speaker standing on the right of the first dais. A man said to be connected mind to mind with the emperor to use when his Majesty doesn’t feel like designing the court with his voice.
Corvus steps forward and just when he is about to speak a side door opens with a little squeak heard only in the subsonic sound range. The speaker forestalls further talk with a raised hand.
The man having the aura of an irrefutable king himself causes Corvus’ words to get stuck in his throat. Before he swallows them back down and begins sweating profusely.
“Grandfather I have a report.” His granddaughter says mind to mind as she returns home after nearly 200 years.
Andromeda’s heart swells and his powerful aura of affection fills the court as he expresses his joy. Corvus falls on the floor twitches,having soiled his pants in orgasm from the unexpected display.
“Enough of that grandfather you will embarrass me.” Carinae projects in protest to the smothering.
The other cousins quickly flock to her some using words, some projecting their meaning drowning her in a sea of voices and enthusiasm.
“Enough!” Queen Cercia projects silencing all. She steps off her dais and walk to Carinae with great dignity, study her wayward grand-daughter critically.
“Daughter. Welcome home.” The Queen says enfolding Carinae into her arms and everyone is gives a sigh of relief.
“Thank you Queen Mother.” Carinae says against Cercias’s bosom.
“What brings you home after so long girl?” The emperor projects, causing her to separate from her mother and step forward.
“Grandfather I bring news.” She says loudly in words. “A celestial meteorite has fallen on the lands. Separating into two, one going into the ocean, the other on a small continent.
“The time of the prophesy has come. The time for the world to be broken is upon us.” She says with finality. Silencing all
Chapter 26
Andromeda Draconis Orion
I was blessed with a superior intelligence at birth. Probably a product of my bloodline but I don’t know because I never knew my birth mother. But I knew the love of many mothers and a father. Raised amongst many sibling in the house of an Awakened warrior I k
new no hunger or hurt.
That is until the Romanæn empire came to conquer my homeland. We had plenty in Estria and our rivers overflowed with white gold. Plucked from the banks of the Benghazi river with no need for mining.
My brothers and I joined the army, advancing quickly for we had learnt to fight at our father’s knee as children. Not to get too much into my past, I learnt hardship from the age of 16 till the age of 24. That is how long the war lasted. And after those 8 years I had nothing.
No family, no home, no friends. For we had lost the war but I had somehow stayed alive, even thriving throughout the conflict. At the age of 24 I was at the cusp of Awakening and a soldier without a country to fight for.
In my travels I found myself in a small kingdom known as Orientia in an odd part of the world. Surrounded by danger on all sides the small continent was an isle of peace and mild weather. There I learnt the ways of the Shinobi. There I learnt the power of chakra and the mind. At 34 I left Orientia having Awakened as a Warrior Chakra User.
Traveling the world and learning new things from different cultures, different peoples, different species. It is at a small nameless village on the continent of Terra controlled by the monkey people that I got my first defeat. And my life changed forever.
Raising children is an experiment on human behaviour, a very interesting experimental at that. If you devote all your attention on the rearing for her first 11 years, you can almost completely shape the type of person she will become.
I know this from experience, for the years following the birth of my daughter I had nothing better to do than raise her, and raise her well. And thus I discovered my two favourite pass times, making children and raising them.
After the age of 11 a child should feel stifled and rebel against the constant attention. Seeking independence of thought and the development of secrets. That of course is if you’ve raised them well enough to have their own mind and not be puppets. But some children develop this stage later or earlier than others.
From my experience of over 300 years of raising children and raising thousands of them, I can confidently say we are all half the product of our upbringing. The other half I am yet to be able to account for.
All my children are trained in the ancient way. In the womb they are exposed to positive psionic energy and music therapy. Teachings and ideas that originated from the ancestors of the African people.
A people led by matriarchs who dedicated their lives to raising and protecting children. The first people to develop soul powers to combat unseen spirits that plagued their young men.
From the moment my children are weaned their diet is implacably designed to achieve the greatest nutritional and magical growth for both mind and spirit. From the moment they learn to speak they are taught three additional languages that will broaden the mind and be the foundation of their spell craft. Languages that scholars sometimes take years to learn and decades to master.
By the time they can stand they go through obstacle courses specially designed to promote growth of all muscle groups. Originally designed for demi-human children who are usually born able to walk and defend themselves.
By the time a royal child of Celestial can grasp, a weapon and a pen is placed into their hands. Taught the might of both the spear and the quilt. And trained from then onwards to use both arms equally, being ambidextrous and flexible of thought.
By the age of seven or eight a royal child will have been surrounded by nothing but love, affection and encouragement their whole lives. Not even 100% sure who their birth parents are from the clatter of people ready and eager to show them love. But still raised sternly enough not to be too spoilt or self important.
By the age of nine or ten a royal child is to choose one speciality in magic, psionic power, wizardry, sorcery, and the martial way. Whether it be the magic element of air, the psionic power of telekinesis, wizardry of the laws of nature, sorcery of partnership with a spirit, or the martial way of the strategists.
At the age of 12 a royal child is expected to have balanced their chakra in preparation of learning release seals. The mandras necessary for the manifestation of the effects of chakra into the world. Sometimes referred to as the sign language of the gods, or the body language of the gods.
And by the time a royal child of Celestial is 18 they know a life of nothing but hard work and the occasional leisure. Their leisure time allocated as something like four hours a day from the time they were seven years old. A time referred to as the time of the arts.
Arts like painting, music, dancing, building, smithing, philosophy, reading, writing, sex, swimming, gambling, extra lessons, sleep, hunting, carpentry and other pursuits. Four hours out of a hundred hours in a day where any pursuit is permissible within reason.
After each month, which is three ten-days they undergo what is referred to as a psychological evaluation and their training adjusted to better suit their needs. None are raised exactly the same but all are made to know hardship, pain, struggle, joy, love, consequences and success.
At the tender age of 19 or 20 royal children leave the inner city to spend time within the confines of Orion under the lax supervision of a guardian. None of the citizens are to know who they are as they learn to interact with ‘normal’ people.
By the time they reach 21 they are expected to leave the city entirely and not return in less than three years. Most do return, very few don’t by choice and a very small number dies. Two so far in the past 300 years.
After returning one now has a choice in how their lives are run, no longer going through evaluations or training if they so chose. And choosing which regiment or path they want for themselves. Some choosing not to focus on any training but settling down and enjoying their lives, others taking on the administrative tasks of the empire. An empire that spans close to 20 000 square kms.
Encompassing almost the entire continent of Spatium as it’s sovereign terrify, encapsulating28 other kingdoms under its banner. The vast empire of Celestia, built by one man from nothing. The immoral emperor, sometimes referred to as the godking by the Persians. A mysterious man whose likeness can be found on the coin with the least value in the empire.
A man who personally raises all his children from the age of six to the age of seven in a pocket dimension with time dilation allowing the year they spend in there to be only a month on Gaia. A trick commissioned from the fae.
As a man that has achieved so much and has sampled almost all that the world has to offer I have fallen into the trap of ennui and boredom. Even with all my children and their children to take up my time. Some years just flew by me in but a moment, others dragged along like gravity weights on my ankles.
I have taken up many pursuits while waiting and preparing for the fulfilment of the old man’s prophesy. I no longer have human opposition anymore, no one of a caliber to be able to pit my strength against without restraint. I’ve conquered human opposition on Gaia and await my meaningless death and sometimes even tempted to Ascend despite the prophesy.
Having had reached the Imperium level of power more than 600 years ago, I should have Ascended a long time ago. But as I was about to Ascend I saw the same old man that gave me my first and only unredeemed defeat back in the land of Terra.
I had learnt much since then, having reached the height of power achievable on Gaia. The level of Imperial Chakra Awakened. A level of power so destructive that the world itself would eventually kick me out to protect itself, lest I became a danger to it. And I was beaten soundly by the thin old man with no shoes. A second time.
After the trashing, when I lay bruised and bloody, slowly mending myself he told me of a prophesy. A prophesy of a calamity that would encampus the world, bringing the former Ascended descending onto Gaia.
A world not yet ready to accommodate beings of such power for extended periods of time. A prophesy of how they would eventually consume all within the seven worlds unless the worlds prepared to
meet them strength for strength.
The coming of the fulfilment will be signified by the falling of the bodies of spirits from the sky. The dead or abandoned spiritual bodies of those in the spiritual realms will fall onto the seven worlds, and mortals will use their flesh as weapons and tools.
I had worried before that prophesy that I would never again have a worthy challenge on Gaia. That I would die never having had fought for a cause the soldier within me could believe in. And here was this old man telling me the secret yearning of my soul, a cause to call my own and to die in pursuit of it.
Die fighting an enemy worthy of me. Worthy of me giving my every ounce of power to try to defeat, how glories it would be!
Many years previously I had researched my old foe and found he was known all over the world. Seemingly every people have a legend or stories about him. The ‘Ancient of Days’ they called him. A sad man who fathers a few children with different species but never stays more than ten years in one place. Cursed with knowledge and burdened with a heavy weight. Looking at his tired face I can almost see it, his long years of toil.
“Alright old man, I will stay on Gaia and help you prepare.” I said, binding myself to his cause all those years ago.
All of my children have been raised to be ambitious without being greedy or covetous. None are slow or dumb witted, none are sycophantic, sociopathic or otherwise crippled. All are beautiful and talented beyond what is natural.
This has been achieved through the teachings of the old man. The old man taught me how to slowly temper my loins in preparation for a family. After following his wisdom and this path of celibacy for nearly a hundred years I had my first child. Beautiful Celeste whom I named my empire after in honour of her memory.
The old man taught me many secrets. One of which was how to remain on Gaia while being an Imperium. A very simple solution really, but one that would be alien to every person that has reached this point in their struggle to power. The biggest secret he taught me though was of the possibility of the Second Awakening.