The Fall Of The Tribes Read online

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  Something no one on Gaia has ever achieved due to leaving long before they can. Something not even whispered about let alone believed to be possible. The Second Awakening. A level of power we fear all Ascended will be at when they arrive. And only I in all the world am the only one I know off to have achieved it.

  But the old man is smart, he wouldn’t put all his eggs in one basket. I’m sure there is another expert to rival me somewhere on Gaia. Probably one in each of the seven worlds.

  The greatest ambition of my children though is not to inherit my empire. For those that seek to rule I encourage to found their own kingdoms. Even some of my Queens rule far off kingdoms that have never even heard of Celestia.

  There is more than enough space on Gaia for hundreds more kingdoms still. A world known to be still growing in size and power. No, the greatest ambition of many of my children is to face the Calamity with me. A calamity I have been training them for since before each is born. To pit themselves against worthy foes and let themselves loose.

  I fear they may not be enough to stop the tide of what is coming.

  I have raised and fostered an entire empire of secret societies and a subtle warrior culture. Using mental magic, talismans and the help of desperate spirits to mould an entire people into the weapon necessary to face what is coming. And now it is upon us.


  I stand, my avatar body excusing itself from the bursary before collapsing into itself as the other ⅓ of my soul fully settles into my main body. Doubling my power and awareness.

  “Tell me.” I say to my granddaughter in my multitude of voices, sou ding grave thinking of the implications.

  More than half of my people will die, I know this without a doubt. My empire will fall into ash and ruin. My cities, towns and villages sacked and burnt to the ground.

  My name will either be forgotten or echo in the annals of history. I know not which nor do I care how I am remembered by strangers. The memory of how my descendants will know me secured by a contract I made with a spirit creature.

  I look around at my children and many loved ones and my heart clenches for a moment. Insidious doubt permeating into my heart for those I love will die. Those I’ve raised from childhood with my own hands slaughtered in the coming of a new age.

  I place a hand on my throne’s armrest and project my affection throughout the inner city. A claimed terrify I have complete dominion over. Corvus falls back down and whimpers as he ejaculates again. This is why I don’t like guests in the inner city limits.

  “It is time we prepare for the Calamity.” I project not only to the inner city this time but with the boost from my throne and channeling through my familiar, my sending reaches all the Kings and Queen within Celestia. Awakened Kings or Grandmaster Magicians all, for no one can rule a kingdom in Celestia with that minimum level of power.

  Chapter 27


  I’m slumped on a bench on the infirmary area waiting for Om, Asger and Caden to return from the healers. My only injuries need stitching and that’s something ma can do when we get to the longhouse. Caden wonders out first followed closely by Om.

  We sit and drink our water from the well at Hill town. Water that revitalizes energy, clears the mind and tastes so good. It has became the most important thing in the passed seven days. Barrels of it transferred to Paradisum. The city that serves as the front, bottlenecking all the invaders from getting further into the Tundra onto our towns and villages.

  We’ve been fighting for seven days none stop. Fighting the Sandersonians for two days and the freshly arrived dwarves for a further five day. Our number slowly being ground down into nothing. Our superior fighting prowess made ineffective by their shield walls and stone magics.

  Slowly grinding us back while losing few warriors themselves. The most effective fighters against them being the hammer wielders, yet not one wields an artifact hammer amongst the tribes. An oversight our smiths are quickly trying to make up for.

  Rather we use up all our ore than we lose our homelands. Asger returns with an arm across his midsection looking worse for ware.

  “No fae healing?” I ask as we get up and go. The ambience in the infirmary building too full of pain, sickness and death.

  Asger nods slowly before taking a sip of the water we pass him.

  “I let them put my guts back together with magic and nothing else. The rest was done the old fashioned way of sinew and thread.”

  Om grunts as we walk to the long-house between the Norse district and the Viking district. A giant of a long-house two stories heigh, a story deep and very long and wide. With lots of wooden pillars in between and numerous cooking fires and sleeping areas.

  It doesn’t take us long to get there by we are immediately diverted by Freya, Asger’s little sister to the bath house. Not so little anymore though. There we soak and scrub the grim from ourselves. Pleasantly surprised by the arrival of Tabita and Om’s intended mate bringing trays of food.

  We feast upon everything we could possibly get into our bodies. Freya stitching my wounds after fusing over her brother. I’m so tired… I sigh. Even my zanpakutō is quiet, experiencing the fatigue I project into it to curb it’s endless enthusiasm for fighting.

  Interestingly enough not once have I entered the Rage since my fight with Victor what seems a lifetime ago. I know it’s there and I can feel that I can grasp it if I reach for it. But even when I take grave injuries it doesn’t come without being called upon. Something I’m both worried about and thankful for.

  Worried because the berserker rage has always been how we stay alive even after grave injuries. If ever I became incapacitated in a fight I may not be able to call upon it and save myself.

  Thankful, because after that fight with Victor I’m no longer sure what I’m capable off. My Rage has changed, its different now, more primal and raw like an exposed nerve.

  But my last conversation with Dee rings in my head. Of how his cold Rage causes him not to care about anyone. Not to care about his family or allies. That worries me, I like caring for my family and anything that makes me removed from that love is suspect.

  “Thank you.” Om says passing the empty trays. There are also other men and women soaking in the now brown red waters of the baths.

  Some of the minor healers are here, checking on head injuries or anything else the tribal warriors considered too minor to go to the infirmary for. Injuries like a few missing fingers, cuts that don’t separate tendons or cleave organs, cracked bones. Minor things like that we shrug off but the healers consider important.

  We eventually find our way to the long-house and I let sleep take me as I fall into my furs.


  I wake on what I assume is still the same day to Asriel sitting not far from smoking a pipe. I groan as the brightness seems to sting my eyes. My body is rested but I feel groggy still, my mind clouded.

  I look around and notice I’m otherwise alone in my accommodations, in fact I’m not sure where everyone else slept for that matter. I had assumed we would all take our sleeping cots and furs in the long-house. Ready at a moments notice for the fighting to continue.

  ‘I’m tired.” I say to Asriel who seems to be preoccupied with his own thoughts. His eyes always give him away.

  “You should be, there aren’t enough of you to stem the tide you know. Eventually they will get I to the tundra, especially now that the Maori kingdom has joined forces with them and the elven ambassador has left the city without a word.”

  I groan at all his decelerations and their implications. “Are you sure about the Maori?”

  Of course he’s sure. He wouldn’t have said it of he wasn’t but I have to hold out hope, even a delusional hope sometimes.

  He nods once and continues smoking and looking into the distance. The silence is comfortable between us as we digest our own thoughts. I appropriate him coming to see me but I also know what his presence signifies.

  “You’re leaving today.” I say without preamble, not sure
why I’m getting emotional over it.

  “Yes. I brought you your rings and took out the loot you never checked from the Never Ending Battle.” He drops a box at my feet from the ring.

  “What is it?” I ask, curious and my attention slightly diverted despite myself. Loot is loot after all, and some of the finds from the fae have been very useful for other people.

  “Its an alchemy set.”

  “Oh”, I say deflating slightly. Though I know such things are useful I have no particular interest in alchemy.

  Asriel’s grins slowly spreads upon his face. “It’s an enchanted alchemy set. Very valuable, very useful. I know you have no particular use for it now but don’t sell it or trade it away. Give it away as a gift to someone you value highly some day.”

  I nod, taking his advice seriously. It may be useless to me, but if its enchanted it is definitely priceless to someone.

  “There was also a tent, a fire starter, a low frequency whistle a book I can’t interpret and a pair of enchanted boots. I left them all at Divina’s house. I just wanted you to see this before I put away again.” He says dispersing the box back into the ring before he tosses it to me.

  “How long before the vampire messenger gets back to the Hito Valleys?” I ask.

  As soon as I had defeated Victor an agreement was finalized and two of the Brave set off to deliver it to their people. I had sent a note to Mira and one to Kuyoki with them. Explaining how I could no longer bring them home with me as I wasn’t sire I would still have a home here in a few years.

  “Without us slowing them down they will probably be there and back within a month.” Asriel says, I nod in understanding.

  “I have written you a map.” He says passing me a rolled paper. I open it carefully and notice the size of it as it just keeps rolling. Then the detail he put into it as I gaze upon the lands of the world.

  “It’s beautiful.” I say running a hand over it. The paper is laminated with aqua leaf cuticles to prevent water damage and help reduce tearing.

  “It must have taken you a while, the amount of detail here is extraordinary.” I say before bowing my head to him. “Thank you my friend.”

  “None of that now.” He says cooly, his cheeks red from embarrassment. I grin at his awkwardness, I’m definitely his first friend.

  “This here is where I directed the first batch of tribesmen that wanted to learn from my people. I haven’t marked it but I want you to see it.

  “At this size I could only include half of your continent, the few islands I know off and copied from other maps, the undine islands and less than a quarter of Pangaea. But everything that’s here should be accurate, I had a look at one of the fae maps before having this laminated.

  “Now you will have no excuse not to come find me. Though I’m not sure where I will be.” He nods and stands straight.

  “I’m off then.” I stand and we clasp forearms before embracing in a hug.

  “Thanks for everything.” I say and we part ways not knowing whether or not we will ever meet again.

  Chapter 28


  The arrival of the dwarves has been a godsend, allowing our troops to rest the passed few days while not allowing the barbarians the same luxury. So many Sandersonian soldiers are dead that there is more than enough food in the camps even here during campaign.

  Something every army usually struggles with for though humans don’t usually have to eat daily. Fighting uses up a lot of energy and the ether within each person becomes thicker with every life taken needing consolidating and inducing hunger.

  This is why warriors, hunters and those that find dungeons usually Awaken so quickly in comparison to those that just meditate. Though dungeons are a special case and the ether within them is more potent than is normal.

  The army has been resting the passed four days, replenishing our strength and taking care of our wounded. I look at my hallow eyed little brother Justin staring off into space, though he is a better swordsman than me he wasn’t made for war. The constant adrenaline high and alertness needed for a protracted battle fraying his nerves raw.

  I look to my older brother Magnus having a quiet word with my stubborn wife Aelia who refuses to leave even in her condition. I will admit that her enthusiasm and devotion to our arranged marriage surprised me. Especially in light of her refusing for us to be intimate before the ceremony.

  But we have been getting along quite well even mother implied that Mira’s presence was distracting me from seeing all of Aelia’s virtues previously. She may have a point, but Mira was my first and even though she was a slave she never carried herself as one.

  I sigh and look around the tent to my current slaves polishing armour and passing along foods and drink. Mira was right, they’ve been my slaves for at least since I was 25 and yet I only know them by face and not name. Only remembering Quentin the head slave of my new household, I sigh as I think of the excess that we now have as a family after having had joined the Houses.

  Being of a noble House has it’s advantages even during campaign. A big comfortable tent and the luxury of bringing servants is one of them even for a new recruit to the army. So long as you can feed and house the servants outside of the army’s dedicated stores of products.

  But if you think you won’t obey orders of higher officers because you belong to a House you will quickly find yourself naked and being caned on a tent post for all to see. Something that only needed to happened six times for the other nobles to get the message, including to a royal that killed one of his cousins. Fucking royals and their dramas.

  “Why don’t you have your shoulder pad fixed while we still have a respite?” I ask Magnus looking at his armour being polished.

  He has been in the brunt of the fighting, both Justin and him. Facing the barbarians head on wave after wave. Justin at the back with the least experienced soldiers, Mugnas at the front lines where life is cheapest and death is easy.

  “I don’t know, maybe as a reminder.” He says shaking his head in thought before becoming animated as he often does about fighting.

  “You won’t believe how I got it.” He says looking at all of us in the tent. Me, Justine, Aelia, and Aelia’s cousin the young Gwen.

  “My squad has this barbarian using a single longsword surround. Six of us initially and Dust leads the charge, shield forward, ready to deflect any strike giving Ororos the opening.

  “Easy kill right? One against six, even a barbarian can’t stand against that. Then this kid with the longsword, probably as young as Justine here jumps up and kicks at Dust’s shield with enough force to stop him in his tracts. I mean you all know how strong the man was, he could should charge a standing horse with ease.

  “Ororos swings and misses as the kid has somehow dodged. Moving in an uncanny way like a wet rag twisting in the wind. Next thing I know I have the length of a sword kissing my cheek as it’s pulled from my shoulder.

  “I didn’t even think to dodge or block I was so shocked.” Magnus giggles historically at himself.

  I’m both horrified and again worried. Magnus is a very good warrior, very good. At 45 years old he has been considered for joining training to become a royal guard. His peers and older veterans all acknowledge his potential, and his Awakening is already a sure thing.

  Our family would have been ruined with his death unless father had more children. The prestige of a House is elevated and maintained by the number of Awakened it produces. After father Awakens, Magnus is expected to be next being testament to the potency of our family line.

  “Anyways it didn’t end well for us I can tell you. By the time the fighting took us away from that young fucker it was down to me and Yardis. And I swear if she wasn’t a woman that fucker would have cut her arm of like he did Spindle’s.” He shakes his head and takes a large swing of his wine.

  I sigh, glad I’m still with the forces protecting the mages though we’ve seen a lot of fighting as well most everyone else has seen worse. The constant magical fi
re power makes everything easier on us martial grunts as well.

  “Did you hear we are getting more reinforcements from the Maori?” I change the subject.

  Magnus grunts. “Those fuckers have been looking for an excuse to be at peace with us for years now. Not many people know how depleted they’ve become these last few years.

  “The king extorted them with a promise of trade and a pact of none aggression. They won’t see an ounce of any of the celestial ore we’ll get from these lands.”

  “I can’t believe so many people have to die just because of some rocks.” Aelia says while the slave continues fanning her.

  “Its the rarest substance on Gaia. Of course the kingdom will go to war for it.” Justine says, having been listening. He sighs, “I don’t think I’m meant to be a soldier though.” He says.

  We remain silent at that. Father and mother expects both Magnus and Justine to be fighters, and that’s what they will be.

  “How’s the arm?” I ask after a moment.

  He flexes his hand and clenches his fist before his eyes. “It feels a bit stranger and I sometimes get tingling in my arm but besides that its ok, if slightly weaker than it used to be.”

  “You’re lucky they found yours and attached it back.” Magnus says.

  “I once saw a man having his arm grown back. He screamed for hours, shit himself too.” Magnus says.

  “Why aren’t they doing that for the other injured soldiers? Growing their limbs back I mean.” Gwen asks softly.

  “Its too expensive. It takes too much energy and mana to grow back a limb. And the resulting limb is useless in a fight for dozens of ten-days. Quicker and cheaper to send them home and replace them with new soldiers.

  “Besides, some of those men are glad to be going home, fighting these fucken’ barbarians isn’t normal. They aren’t right in the head somehow…” Magnus trails off in thought, drinking more wine.

  I know what he means, I’ve seen these creatures in human skin fight looking like pin cushions full of arrows. Taking out defenders with gaping wounds or missing limbs. I shiver a little. I wish we had never hear the word ‘Barbarian’.